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Virtual Gestalt Grief Group

Sunset meme

There is no grief like the grief that does not speak.
~Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

During the stress of the holidays, you are not alone.

virtual meeting

If you’ve lost a loved one whether in the last week, last year, or 30 years ago you may feel like you need support throughout the holiday season, especially this year.

Join me and other caring people for a Virtual Gestalt Grief Group. This is a nonjudgemental, confidential space where you can share your feelings with others and we’ll help you negotiate this difficult time of year with grace.

It all begins with a simple 15 minute FREE exploratory call!
Book yours now:

Coaching Acknowledgment

I am aware that this is an experiential coaching session featuring the Gestalt Coaching Method®. I am aware that my practitioner is not a therapist, and that this is not a therapy session; that this is a coaching session. I accept that my coach may provide insight and referral for me to seek therapy if they identify a need.

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