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Budding treeIs spring on its way? Yesterday (Sunday) it sure felt that way with temperatures almost at 70°. Tomorrow the predicted high is 38°. Such is the weather in Kansas. And don’t forget the huge storm we had on April 30, 2017. More snow than we had seen all winter and we were without power for a day and a half.

Listening to the weather forecast can be amusing. Last week they predicted three to six inches of snow one day and rain the next. I’m not sure if what we had was rain or snow, I only know when I woke up the day after the predicted rain the ground was covered in white. I think there was a little moisture that froze. This morning I’m trying to decide if I will need a coat to walk some property.

Weather is something we have no control over. It can be brutal. It can be windy here with gusts of 35-100 miles per hour. Or it can be beautiful. Yesterday it was supposed to be windy. I was not looking forward to driving across the state in the wind. I didn’t notice it until I got about 20 miles from Lawrence, and it wasn’t too bad then.

Last year we had almost no moisture. The farmers are predicting poor crop production this season. Then we got more snow this winter than we’ve had in a few years. When your livelihood depends on something that you absolutely can’t control or predict it can be depressing.

We all have situations that we have no control over. It might be someone reacting by yelling at us. We cannot control other people and their reactions. We can control how we respond to them. I tend to respond to people yelling at me by listening, then I may calmly respond, or I might have a delayed response. After all, their feelings are theirs and I don’t need to diminish them. Sometimes I react and when that happens things usually don’t turn out well.

herd of Charolais cattle

It’s impossible for people and cows to give their best when bogged down in barnyard muck. Cow Wisdom

How do you respond to people’s reactions that you have no control over? Do you look for something to forage on and react to? Do you get down in the mud with them? Or do you rise above and acknowledge that there is nothing you can do about how they feel?

The horses and I can help you discover where your reactions are coming from and help you release them. Connect with me here for more information.

Sometimes you need to slow down and Breathe.

Make a Connection in the comments below.


Susan is a lifelong horsewoman, a Master Equine Gestaltist, an Equine Assisted PlayShop facilitator, a breast cancer survivor, a reluctant caregiver, a photographer, and a metal artist. She has a BA in Communications and works with doctors, caregivers, and patients through the Equine Gestalt Coaching Method®.