Conquering Your Limiting Beliefs Can Be Empowering

What brings value to your life? Do you love to bake? Are you an artist who paints? Sometimes our value has a lot of moving parts. Sometimes I can be a little too cautious. My number one value is connection and Iā€™m an introvert who can be afraid to connect with people....

Sometimes We Can Feel Disconnected

I never felt like I was connected in western Kansas. There have been small ways that I fit in. I loved Mike and had a connection with him. I feel a connection with my bell choir group. Overall, I always felt like an outsider. During one of Mikeā€™s hospital stays at KU...

Your Personality Guides Your Life

I feel like Iā€™ve traveled somewhere (mostly to Lawrence/Kansas City with a trip to Littleton, CO in between) every week since the first week of February. John has had two doctor appointments in Kansas City, Iā€™ve had two trips to look at property, a long weekend when...

Life is Full of Transitions

For the last two mornings, Iā€™ve watched the sunrise as I went to the farm to feed the horses. This is because of Daylight Savings Time. Why does the government put us through this transition twice a year? Monday morning it was dark and cloudy here and the sunrise was...