I Am Enough As Is!

On Saturday and Sunday, I coached at a Hope Held by a Horse breast cancer program. I know the participants get a lot out of this because Iā€™ve been one. The coaches and volunteers get a lot out of them as well. This weekend my client had ā€œas isā€ as one of her parts of...

Abundance is All Around Us

Itā€™s Our Mindset Thatā€™s Holds Us Back ā€œI am immersed in abundanceā€. This was the message that Kellie Grill gave us at the Touched By A HorseĀ® Summit in September. Sometimes we see ourselves in lack when abundance is all around us. It seems like that is the prevalent...

When You Start Seeing Your Vision Come Alive

Iā€™m restless as I work on my vision. There are a lot of moving parts and Iā€™m still not sure where Iā€™m going to land. As I slowly awaken, I can see it clearly yet Iā€™m not sure where. Itā€™s time to let go. When I started my training to become an Equine Gestaltistā„¢ one of...