My Experiences with Hope Held By A Horse

Itā€™s a glorious Monday in late August. I arrived home late from a new experience over the weekend. There is a non-profit that is run by an Equine Gestalt CoachĀ® called Hope Held By A Horse. It helps women cope with the emotional ravages of breast cancer. This weekend...

There May Be Many Reasons Behind Procrastination

I have a huge, time-sensitive project that I need to tackle. One of the things that makes my life the most uncomfortable is that I tend to procrastinate. This particular project was going to be on a time crunch anyway because I didnā€™t get the names that I needed as...

No Trauma is Insignificant

Some days itā€™s easy to count your blessings. One of my blessings is great driving karma. When I was caregiving for Mike, we put over 57,000 miles on the two vehicles we drove to see doctors. This did not count miles to Colby (20 one way) to see his primary care...

Blessing and Releasing My Past To the Universe

Like a Ferris wheel turning round and round time moves on. Last month we moved my mom out of her house that she had been in for 50+ years. It was an arduous process, to say the least. There was a rush to get stuff from several households that she had collected. In the...