Our Personality Differences Create Unique Individuals

Itā€™s a Monday morning. As can be typical of Mondays it hasnā€™t gone as expected. I got a respite when my son texted and said I didnā€™t need to be with the grandkids until an hour later than normal. This threw a wrench into my plans. I was already up and had eaten...

Are You Letting Possibilities Open Up in Your Life?

I returned from my second Gestalt Coaching Method camp last night full of possibilities. GCM is a deepening of the Gestalt from EGCM. We get to explore what we learned while becoming Gestaltists and partnering with the horses and be coached by powerful coaches. It is...

How Communication Styles Effect Relationships

Iā€™ve mentioned before that Mike and my relationship was far from perfect. I held a lot of resentment for the choices that I made against him. I didnā€™t feel like he spent the time at home with me and the kids that he should. I believe he didnā€™t feel like he supported...