Sometimes We Need to Disperse Our Stress

Last week I was a bit disoriented. The week started out normal enough with writing group Monday morning. Then on Tuesday when I went to post my blog and send out my email, I discovered that the writing had disappeared. My computer hasn’t been crashing as much. For a...

What is Gestalt and Why Horses?

When I tell people I’m a Master Equine Gestaltist they often get a funny look on their faces. They may say something like an equine is a horse, right? What’s that other word? It’s rather hard to explain – it’s easier to experience it. Here’s my best effort. Gestalt is...

Do You Have Someone Who Is Always On Your Mind?

The weather is starting to improve, and the temperatures are barely freezing even at night. Now I have mud to deal with. I don’t know if I just had things set up so I didn’t have to deal with mud in Oakley or if it’s because my dry lot is on a slope here, but I’ve...

How Do You Live Life After?

When you’re grieving there is an emotional strain above mourning your loved one. Grief can be overwhelming. Then add to it all the things that change in your life. You may need to take some time and discover your own identity.  When Mike and I got married I became a...

Talking About Your Grief Can Take the Hurt Away

Grief is not a disorder, a disease, or a sign of weakness. It is an emotional, physical, and spiritual necessity, the price you pay for love. The only cure for grief is to grieve. – Earl Grollman 2024 – how’s it been for you so far? In numerology, this year is...