Retreat to Peace Podcast Episode

The horses were moved last Wednesday without problems. It’s been a busy week so instead of writing I’m sharing a podcast episode that I was a guest on. Listen by clicking the button below.   To keep informed about all the happenings at Connection and...

Pressing On Can Help Overcome Perfectionism

My horses are set to be moved to Serenity Ranch on Wednesday, the summer solstice. I asked a friend what the significance might be. She told me that it’s a time for letting go of the old. That it’s a perfect time for them to start a new beginning with me at the new...

Cats, and Kittens, and Dogs, Oh My!

Last week I wrote about being able to spend four days at the new house. It was hard to leave. As I’m writing this I’m back and there was a pack of dogs outside my window. Still no horses and there’s about one more load of stuff in Oakley that needs to come here. When...