by Susan | Mar 29, 2023 | Awareness
I feel like I’ve traveled somewhere (mostly to Lawrence/Kansas City with a trip to Littleton, CO in between) every week since the first week of February. John has had two doctor appointments in Kansas City, I’ve had two trips to look at property, a long weekend when...
by Susan | Mar 22, 2023 | Awareness
In May of 2021 on a Memorial Day weekend that included my dad’s birthday, I was on the Big Island in Hawaii. It was a trip that changed my life although I didn’t realize it for several months. One of my Gestalt cohort members has a home there and another member and I...
by Susan | Mar 15, 2023 | Awareness
For the last two mornings, I’ve watched the sunrise as I went to the farm to feed the horses. This is because of Daylight Savings Time. Why does the government put us through this transition twice a year? Monday morning it was dark and cloudy here and the sunrise was...
by Susan | Mar 8, 2023 | Awareness
Is spring on its way? Yesterday (Sunday) it sure felt that way with temperatures almost at 70°. Tomorrow the predicted high is 38°. Such is the weather in Kansas. And don’t forget the huge storm we had on April 30, 2017. More snow than we had seen all winter and we...
by Susan | Mar 1, 2023 | Awareness
On Saturday and Sunday, I coached at a Hope Held by a Horse breast cancer program. I know the participants get a lot out of this because I’ve been one. The coaches and volunteers get a lot out of them as well. This weekend my client had “as is” as one of her parts of...
by Susan | Feb 22, 2023 | Awareness, Caregiving, Communications, Medical
As the sun rises over the prairie, I am grateful. Grateful to be back home and to have found some music that lifted me up this morning. Thursday evening, I got a call from John. He said he’d been having some symptoms – dizziness, strange taste and smell, chills, and...