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Dalila, the new puppy, is an Australian Shepard x Border Collie.

As if my life hadnā€™t already been turned upside down recently and I have further changes ahead. I chose this week to make a couple of changes.

On Monday morning I loaded Hans up and we drove to Denver to meet two good friends for lunch. Oh, and one of them brought me a new puppy. One of my future changes will be John moving out and I felt like I wanted a larger more protective dog. I have also wanted to move to the country for years so this seemed like an opportune time to make this change.


Ithaca came to live with us in late August.

Itā€™s been a little more difficult than I imagined. I feel like I canā€™t keep my eyes off her. For the first two days, she would come in the house and pee on the floor. And in puppy fashion, she will chew on anything. For the first time this morning she asked to go out. Iā€™m sure the chewing will continue. I will just need to keep plenty of toys around that she can chew on.

Poor Hans is having a difficult time as well. First, I brought that silly cat into the house last summer now I got this puppy. Heā€™s trying to be patient with me and her, but I can see that sometimes that wears thin. He seems to be asking why, wasnā€™t I enough?

Ā Hans has been with me for over 11 years. He doesn’t always accept change well.

Then Wednesday after two weeks of working with the dealer I traded off my Jeep and Mikeā€™s Colorado. The Jeep had almost 178,000 miles on it. Many of those were driven to go to doctorā€™s appointments. The Colorado didnā€™t have nearly as many, and a lot of those were also to see doctors, but it seemed silly to make payments on something that didnā€™t really suit my needs.Dachshund

So, I have a new Jeep. I got a little emotional when I left my old Jeep at the dealership. The salesman asked if I was going to get emotional. I mentioned that a lot of the miles on it had been driven with Mike and he did understand that.

Ā The new Jeep. I know it looks just like the old one.
Photo courtesy Brenda Moberly

I also said it might be even harder when they came to get the pickup the next day because it had been Mikeā€™s. The two young men who came to get the Colorado must have distracted me though because it went smoothly.

To help me through one of these changes Iā€™m going to host a OneHope Wine tasting on my anniversary, May 3 at 7:00 at my house. Please come if youā€™re able or you can order to benefit KU Med Center here.

woman and jeep

Change is hard even in the best of circumstances. It can also be scary. We must decide what is important to us, stand up and make the changes that need to be made in our lives.

Any change, even a change for the better, is always accompanied by drawbacks and discomforts.
ā€• Arnold Bennett

If you have a possible change coming about in your life the horses and I can help you come to peace with it. Contact me here if you want to learn more.

How do you deal with Changes?

Onward! Boundaries

Make a Connection in the comments below.

Susan is a lifelong horsewoman, a Master Equine Gestaltist, an Equine Assisted PlayShop facilitator, a breast cancer survivor, a reluctant caregiver, a photographer, and a metal artist. She has a BA in Communications and works with doctors, caregivers, and patients through the Equine Gestalt Coaching MethodĀ®.