Overcoming the Inner Critic Through Equine Gestalt Coaching
Incredible possibilities – that’s where my life is. I have this beautiful ranch that’s full of them. I have training that gives me them. So why does it feel like it’s not enough? Why do I feel like I’m not enough?
Society and Personal Experiences Shape Our Sense of Worth
That feeling of not being enough runs deep in our society. We try to keep up with the Joneses. We see billboards that tell us we’re not thin or pretty enough. Society wants to sell us something and we’re willing to buy it hook, line, and sinker.
Somewhere in our past someone has told us we’re not enough and we believed them. Most likely it was someone in an authority position. A parent, teacher, coach or boss. They do this because someone in their past did it as well.
Now we hear them telling us we’re not enough in our heads. In the Equine Gestalt Program, we call this a troll that sits on your shoulder. Like the little guy in the Flintstones that sat on Fred’s shoulder.
My troll was a fourth-grade teacher who when I didn’t do my homework put me in the janitor’s closet to finish it. Isolating me didn’t work to get my work done. It did put a chink in my mind of thinking I was enough. There were other things as well – that junior high “boyfriend”, the college boyfriend, and even my mother. When you have that first little hole it doesn’t take much to enlarge it.
This is such a hard wound to heal. It’s handed down through generations without people realizing it.
Overcoming Internal Trolls Through Equine Gestalt
We learned something in our Gestalt work that Melisa calls a trollectomy. We set up an experience where we can confront our troll(s) and tell them to pack up and leave. They might resist. They might say I’ve kept you safe when you might have gotten yourself into situations where you would be hurt.
There can be a fine line between what is right for you and what’s not. There’s no insurance that will keep you from being hurt. You can grow from those situations.
There may be times when you need to tell your troll “It’s OK, I’ve got this”. Others when you must evict them out of your mind by calling the authorities. Either way, it’s time for them to go. The first step is the awareness that they exist.
The horses are experts in this. They see the person you are not the unworthy person you’ve been told you are. Learning a lesson from a horse is one you’ll never forget. Come out and experience it for yourself.
Join the Sunset Connections women’s group that meets on Wednesday evenings to experience the beautiful sunsets at Serenity Ranch. Click the button below for more information and to register.
You are The Champion of your life.
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