Banner of horse's eyes
Cows in fog

Cows in the mist.

Embracing Challenges and Moving Forward

Itā€™s raining again ā€“ literally.

This spring and early summer the horsesā€™ pens were like swamps. They had finally dried up. Now they are messy again.

It feels like itā€™s been raining non-stop since the first of November. This morning when I was feeding the horses I was thinking about it being so late in November and I think weā€™ve only had one night when it dropped below freezing. And now a slow steady rain.

Double rainbow in the mountains

Setbacks and Shifts: A Personal Journey

Sometimes my life feels this way. The Friday before last I was talking with a woman who works with the niche Iā€™d like to serve. I mentioned several times how about the time I think things are going my way something happens to get in the way. It rains!

It was shortly after I graduated from the EGC program that Mike died. Then when I was ready to start up my business along came a pandemic making it difficult to work in person. There are several other examples as well that Iā€™m not going to delve into.

The Power of a Changed Mindset

She mentioned that maybe it was my mindset. During our conversation, she helped me look up some places where I might be able to meet the right people.

One was an organization that was having an annual conference last week in Kansas City. I looked at the agenda. There was an author, that I was interested in, who was the keynote speaker on Thursday afternoon. That was a time I could make work. I reached out to someone I thought might be at the conference to see how I might be able to get in to hear the keynote. I did.

As we were leaving the room the speaker was standing outside. I took a brave step (remember Iā€™m not an extrovert) and introduced myself.

We talked for a minute. I said Iā€™d like to keep the conversation going. He invited me to reach out to him on LinkedIn.

Itā€™s amazing what a shift in mindset can do.

Horses in pastureLessons from the Rain: Growth Takes Time

As for the rain, the pasture here was lush and green all summer. It was beautiful. In western Kansas, it was rarely like this. When it was it lasted only a short time. The earth needs rain to help things grow as we do to make shifts in our lives.

Be grateful and celebrate the rain in your life. It will help you move forward. Need some help ā€“ the horses are ready and willing. Click the button below to schedule a non-obligation Zoom to see what is right for you.

Itā€™s Raining Again.

Make a Connection in the comments below.


Susan is a lifelong horsewoman, a Master Equine Gestaltist, an Equine Assisted PlayShop facilitator, a breast cancer survivor, a reluctant caregiver, a photographer, and a metal artist. She has a BA in Communications and works with doctors, caregivers, and patients through the Equine Gestalt Coaching MethodĀ®.