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Overcoming Whatā€™s Holding You Back

Itā€™s been a nice and busy couple of weeks. The day after Thanksgiving my son and his family came for the day on Friday. It snowed a bit on Saturday and was cold for a few days while being extremely cold at night. Then I got tickets to the Paw Patrol show in Topeka on December 8 and saw the kids again.

The Stall Cleaning Lesson: Procrastination in the Cold

snow at sunsetI hadnā€™t mucked out on Thanksgiving because we went into Kansas City and there didnā€™t seem to be time. Friday there wasnā€™t time at all and Friday morning I was worried about one of my mares who wasnā€™t acting normal. Sheā€™s fine now. Then Saturday I was totally soaked because I fed horses in the snow, and I didnā€™t feel the need to go out more than necessary. Then it was absolutely frozen.

When I did finally go out last Friday after the temperatures had been above freezing during the days for a few days the poop was still frozen to the ground. I had to get a shovel to pry it up. This could have been so much easier if I had braved the cold and picked the stalls each day.

This is nothing new in my life. I remember early in our marriage when I would decline an invitation to go to a horse show at the end of the year because I needed to stay home and do bookwork.

man holding bowling pinThis got even worse when I was caregiving for Mike. It seemed like the books took a backseat to everything else. Of course, they did to the traveling we did for his health care. At first, I had a full-time job then I was in the Equine Gestalt program and at the end I was in treatment for breast cancer. Bookwork didnā€™t seem all that important.

After he died, I got some of it caught up. I was struggling though. It always seemed like I should be working on possible income-producing activities not inputting data. And I had trouble remaining motivated.

Letting Go: Accepting Help to Move Forward

I finally got someone to help me. It was hard giving up control though. She understood how I wanted it done and did a great job. Now itā€™s almost complete.

For years Iā€™ve felt like this has been holding me back. Working on it brought back a lot of memories around Mike and I believe thatā€™s one of the reasons it has been so hard for me to complete it. I would have to leave all that behind me.

Snow covered pine treeDo you have stuff thatā€™s piling up? Something you keep procrastinating? Do you know whatā€™s keeping you stuck, or do you need some assistance to figure it out? The horses and I can help you figure it out and relieve the stress of not getting it done. Click the button below and letā€™s chat about what will work for you.

Away From You.

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Susan is a lifelong horsewoman, a Master Equine Gestaltist, an Equine Assisted PlayShop facilitator, a breast cancer survivor, a reluctant caregiver, a photographer, and a metal artist. She has a BA in Communications and works with doctors, caregivers, and patients through the Equine Gestalt Coaching MethodĀ®.