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Girl in Bat Girl costumeIā€™ve heard people complain that their doctor was more interested in themselves than their patient. Iā€™m not going to lie Iā€™ve felt like this myself.

When Mike was first diagnosed with a rare auto-immune disease it felt like the doctor was giddy about making such a find. Then when he told us a few months later about diagnosing another case I was convinced he was patting himself on the back.

This made me question this diagnosis more than once. Had I known that the rheumatologist that he saw at the Mayo Clinic was one of the doctors that specialized in this disease I think my mind would have been put at ease.

There was no specific test for it, it was a rule-out diagnosis. Once they ruled out everything else with tests if the symptoms fit this was the diagnosis. More than once I questioned his rheumatologist about the diagnosis. He always assured me that it was correct. He did finally say that there may be other things going on as well.

As a doctor you must remember that every diagnosis or treatment is about the patient, not proving what a great diagnostician you are.Man in Superman costume

There was a TV show called House that I watched when it first came on. I had to quit watching it because Dr House who was a brilliant diagnostician was so self- absorbed that he could hardly see anything except the diagnosis. He had a terrible bedside manner and made no connections with his patients. The mystery element to the show was good but he was too abrasive for me.

Many of the doctors Mike and I saw were great at making connections with us both as patients and caregivers. There was one in particular that we met first when Mike was in the hospital that I wasnā€™t sure Iā€™d like when it was recommended that he see him in clinic, and he became Mikeā€™s hematologist.Ā I was pleasantly surprised and even though Mike only saw him for a short time I found him easy to communicate with and caring.

I credit one of Mikeā€™s surgeons with saving Mikeā€™s life at least twice. We also saw his human side, so we never had the feeling that he was superhuman.

When a doctor comes in and truly makes a connection with a patient, he will have a better chance to get all the information that he needs to get the correct diagnosis. The patient will also be more likely to follow his directions and there will be a better chance that the condition will improve.Boy in Captain America costume

When a patient feels like a doctor hears what heā€™s saying the doctor will be able to form a better connection with him. A better connection means the patient or caregiver will be more likely to ask about things they donā€™t understand. It all improves patient care.

If youā€™d like to see how the horses can help you form better connections connect with me here.

Itā€™s Hard To Be Humble when your patients see you as superhuman.

Make a Connection in the comments below.

Onward! What If the Doctors Disagree?

Susan is a lifelong horsewoman, a Master Equine Gestaltist, an Equine Assisted PlayShop facilitator, a breast cancer survivor, a reluctant caregiver, a photographer, and a metal artist. She has a BA in Communications and works with doctors, caregivers, and patients through the Equine Gestalt Coaching MethodĀ®.