Banner of horse's eyes

All that you need, to have all that you want, lies inside of you, right now.
The Universe
What a package!

~A Note from the Universe @

horse eyeThere are days we need to be a part of a mastermind. You know a group of people who get together and work on strategy. It may be personal strategies on how to create new beginnings in your life.

There have been times that I like to hide out and not face whatā€™s going on around me. Or maybe Iā€™m not sure how to handle the situation.

I donā€™t like confrontation and have become a master at avoiding it. So much so that it is sometimes to my detriment. Does this ever happen to you? You donā€™t want to face something, so you procrastinate only to find out that it wasnā€™t so bad after all.

I have this problem when placing phone calls or even reaching out to someone via email. Iā€™m fine at responding to someoneā€™s inquiry. Itā€™s initiating the conversation that gets me. Will I use the right words? Will the party on the other end understand me? Am I reaching out too soon, and will they ask questions Iā€™m not prepared to answer? Will I sound stupid? Never mind that when Iā€™ve done mock sessions with people, Iā€™m always given positive feedback.

Quote on Martin Luther King, Jr memorial

Out of a Mountain of Despair A Stone of Hope. This quote is on the Martin Luther King, Jr memorial in Washington DC.

Itā€™s that troll on my shoulder whoā€™s telling me Iā€™m not smart or donā€™t know enough. Itā€™s an attitude that I picked up years ago. From the teacher who put me in the janitorā€™s closet across the hall because I didnā€™t do my homework. From the line of women on my motherā€™s side of the family who felt a need to be taken care of by men. My grandmother on my fatherā€™s side was a science teacher when that was a rare thing for a woman and my grandfather on my motherā€™s side had two strong independent women for sisters. Even so, I picked up on the need to be taken care of.

We all pick up things in childhood that would be better for us to release. Whether it is a troll or a martyr. Is it time to revamp your life? To make changes for the better.

Do you have some new beginnings that youā€™d like to explore? Join me in the New Beginnings Vision Series where weā€™ll explore what you would like to have renewed in the next year. For more information click the button below.

Do you Wanna Be Startinā€™ Somethinā€™ in your life?

Make a Connection in the comments below.


Susan is a lifelong horsewoman, a Master Equine Gestaltist, an Equine Assisted PlayShop facilitator, a breast cancer survivor, a reluctant caregiver, a photographer, and a metal artist. She has a BA in Communications and works with doctors, caregivers, and patients through the Equine Gestalt Coaching MethodĀ®.