āTo say moving my mom out of her house of 50 years has been an adventure might be an understatement. Iām learning a lot about why I am who I am.
While going through my room I found a Keirsey Temperament Sorter that a counselor friend of my parents sent me when I was in college. This is the same test we use in the Equine Gestalt Coaching Method. Interestingly, I did not test the same in 1983 as I did in 2016. I tested as a high introvert in the past, now I test as a split extrovert/introvert. I understand this one as the extrovert may have been pushed down in my teen years. I do feel that the split is how I truly am because Iāve sometimes felt like an extrovert and at the same time have identified more with the introvert side.
The ones that I donāt understand are the middle two traits, although all my numbers when I test now are very close these were the opposite of what they are now. As Iāve given it a little thought, I see that my dad, who was a doctor, relied heavily on science. My oldest brother is an engineer, and my next brother is a CPA. My mom is more on the artsy side as growing up she was a dancer and singer. I feel that having her as the only one who fell on this side pushed me to be the opposite.
I can see how I have felt conflicted about the way I take in data and make decisions. I often overthink decisions when I should trust my heart. I also see that I am on the more visionary side of data gathering. I take in information as a whole not the details and I see the future, not the past.
Knowing about your personality and understanding how you see or feel the world can help in your relationship with yourself and others. It can keep you from limping along and bring more peace. Knowing this can turn up the heat in your life.
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