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Itā€™s a Monday morning. As can be typical of Mondays it hasnā€™t gone as expected. I got a respite when my son texted and said I didnā€™t need to be with the grandkids until an hour later than normal.

This threw a wrench into my plans. I was already up and had eaten breakfast so now what do I do with the extra hour? I decided rather than get my computer back out and work on something only to put it back in the bag so I could take it with me I would read my Gestalt book. A nice idea ā€“ sit down with my coffee and a book. I struggled with staying awake to read. Then I remembered that I was going to call the vet because my cat had a big sore on his neck and I thought he might need antibiotics.White and black cat

My personality tends to lean toward organization so when things like this happen it is a little harder for me to adjust than some people. Iā€™m not as flexible with my time and space. I donā€™t like to wait on people to show up for an appointment and when I have an appointment, I desire to be early. Iā€™m only slightly on the organized side so depending on the situation I may be late or unorganized.

We have personality traits that we are born with that show up throughout our lives. They create us as unique individuals. All of my traits are close to the middle. One might say Iā€™m very balanced. Honestly, if youā€™re not aware it can make some things more difficult.

How My Personality Types Show Up In My Life

Introvert versus extrovert ā€“ does your energy feed off of being around other people or do you need to be alone to recharge. Iā€™m split evenly here. A few years ago, I was invited to a party, I turned down the invitation and as the party grew closer, I wanted the person to ask me again.

If you look at my house, you will think Iā€™m very disorganized. When looking at my computer files you might think I am very organized. Iā€™m very close in this area so it depends on whatā€™s important to me. Mike was more on the other side of this one. I refused to follow him around and pick up, then we had three kids that made it even harder. When Iā€™m not sure where to put something, it will be left somewhere until I can find a place for it. Iā€™m working on this ā€“ weā€™ll see how it goes once I declutter my house.

When it comes to organizing my time, Iā€™m on top of that. I would always take the school calendar and put all events the boys were involved in along with anything Mike or I had going on in on my electronic brain and set reminders. If like happened this week, one of the reminders gets set wrong it can be very uncomfortable for me. Like I said Iā€™m only slightly higher on the organized side so itā€™s easy for me to be flexible once the original discomfort passes.

As for taking in information, I see the whole picture, not the details. I see the future as a whole and how it can be. I donā€™t want to be bothered by all the little steps of how to get there. Because Iā€™m close in this one too I can get bogged down in the details and it tends to derail my vision. Itā€™s nice to have someone to help me in this category ā€“ to have a trusted advisor who can focus me on the details when I want to move forward.Dachshund

Decision-making torments me. This should be the easiest because itā€™s my highest area. Do I feel into my decisions or do I think them through? My numbers tell me to feel into them, make them with my heart or gut. I tend to overthink them anyway. A couple of times when Mike and I were making a decision about some expensive equipment I remember I did a bit of research and made my decision. While he wanted to see it in action and talk with someone who had used it. So, we ended up driving about 300 miles to do just that. Then we ended up purchasing the first one. I would have gone with my gut and gotten the equipment much sooner.

These personality traits interweave. When we learn about our tendencies and how they interact with the others it can make our relationships easier. Whether itā€™s a relationship with ourselves or with others. If we can see where the other person comes from itā€™s easier to understand them.

Are you interested in learning more about yourself? Connect with me here and Iā€™ll help.

When it comes to your personality, Iā€™ve Gotta Be Me.

Make a Connection in the comments below.


Susan is a lifelong horsewoman, a Master Equine Gestaltist, an Equine Assisted PlayShop facilitator, a breast cancer survivor, a reluctant caregiver, a photographer, and a metal artist. She has a BA in Communications and works with doctors, caregivers, and patients through the Equine Gestalt Coaching MethodĀ®.