For the last two weeks, my back has been feeling sharp twinges of pain. This means my body is physically out of balance. It helped to see the chiropractor in Colby as I was on my way to Summit in Colorado. The pain never went away completely probably because I was driving and sitting so much.
I credit this to my using a makeshift office setup. I’m waiting for furniture to be delivered and using my dining room table and a computer cart that I brought from Oakley. I have a lovely desk and a gaming chair coming – hopefully soon.
There have also been some things out of balance in my emotional life. Along with that, I was stressing about the wine and graduate gifts that I was taking to Summit. All things that throw me out of balance too far. Thus, the physical pain.
I was listening to the Touched By A Horse® podcast over the weekend. Melisa was interviewing a new graduate. They began talking about balance. Melisa compared it to a teeter-totter. And Brittany, the graduate she was talking with, said that we actually only achieve moments of balance. This is brilliant.
We all strive to achieve work–life balance in our lives. When we can only be in true balance for brief moments of time.
The times when I feel the most balanced are when everything seems to be going along smoothly. I’m completing projects, some that I’ve been working on for a while and some that are small and can be completed quickly. I always feel good at these times.
Then I start the cycle over again and get on that hamster wheel that feels like I’m working on the projects and never getting them completed. These are the times I feel completely out of balance and overwhelmed. This is also the time when I don’t get as much sleep throwing life even more out of balance.
Overwhelm is not a place I like to be. When I am I can be paralyzed by procrastination. Sometimes it feels like I’m not even getting the small steps done.
The last week after Summit I had a lot of things not go the way I wanted. On Monday our writing group where I write these posts didn’t meet so from the onset, I felt like I was behind. Then when I went out to clean the horses’ pens the block that holds the door to Patty’s stall came off in my hand. I’m not great with this type of repair and I had to figure it out myself. Go to town, get some screws, and figure out the power driver. I got that done, sort of, at least well enough to keep Patty in.
Tuesday, I forgot a virtual meeting that was scheduled until shortly before and felt like I was running on ice all day. Wednesday went fairly smoothly and still, I didn’t feel like I got much done. Thursday, I had to take Dalila to the vet early and then pick her up in the afternoon so that meant two one-hour long trips. Then Friday I finally got back to some sort of normalcy.
As I look back on the week, I did accomplish things. I got some flyers printed and hung for the A Hero’s Journey with Horses that I’m planning. I got some long overdue new Ariats to wear when I’m working with the horses. And I made some great networking connections. It can be deceiving when it feels like you’re spinning your wheels.
Do you have some physical or emotional pain that you’d like to explore? The horses and I can help you discover the cause. Click the button below to schedule a free exploratory call.
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