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Man working horsesDo you hear what people say? I mean really listen. Sometimes when things get harried you need to slow down and breathe. Or you may need to tune out the outside world ā€“ that dog barking in the other room.

Last week I took my son to the emergency room at our local hospital. Heā€™d not been feeling well and hadnā€™t eaten all day. Then he started vomiting and there was a concern. I was concerned because of his history of seizures.

The nurse who came in was somewhat like Nurse Ratchet from MASH. Neither one of us felt heard. The provider who came in didnā€™t seem much better. She had on some sort of apparatus to filter the air she was breathing I assume to keep her from getting Covid. It made it hard for her to hear unless she was really close, or we were shouting. It didnā€™t make communicating with her easy.

Young horses playingThey did tests for both types of flu and two different Covid tests. All were negative. They did some blood work that was not alarming. It was decided that he was dehydrated and had Covid, but it was too early to detect. He refused an IV and they sent him home with instructions on protocols for the disease he didnā€™t test positive for and a diet to ease back into eating normally.

We were home about 11:00 pm. When we left, I felt like they hadnā€™t listened to me or him and his history of having seizures. At 2:00 am he had a seizure.

This seems to be a problem in health care. The medical professionals forget that the patient might have some sort of knowledge about whatā€™s going on inside their body. Also, as humans, weā€™ve tuned out whatā€™s going on with us. We have a little pain that we ignore, and it increases until we canā€™t bear it anymore and seek help. By this time, weā€™re so tuned out weā€™re willing to follow any advice weā€™re given and donā€™t tune in to our own intuition. Weā€™re giving medical professionals too much power and they arenā€™t listening to what we have to say.

Man gentling horseMike and I traveled a lot of miles to see many specialists. Some of them listened. Others didnā€™t, they felt they knew better what was happening and expected us to follow their direction. When a doctor listens with kindness and hears what the patient and caregiver are saying everything flows more smoothly.

Are you tuned into your intuition? Do you really listen? Do you want to be heard? The horses and I can help you get tuned in to yourself and others. Connect with me here for more information.

For What Itā€™s Worth.

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Susan is a lifelong horsewoman, a Master Equine Gestaltist, an Equine Assisted PlayShop facilitator, a breast cancer survivor, a reluctant caregiver, a photographer, and a metal artist. She has a BA in Communications and works with doctors, caregivers, and patients through the Equine Gestalt Coaching MethodĀ®.