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Not a sight you want to see. The reason I switched to a Mac.

My computer was crashing last week ā€“ something, Iā€™m told, Macs donā€™t do. My normal MO is to write this piece during our weekly writing group at 8:00 am on Mondays. We all throw out a word and are supposed to use all of them in our stream-of-consciousness writing. I may do that. More often I get an idea using one or two of the words and roll with it if I use all the words even better. I usually donā€™t save my file because I donā€™t put a title on it until later, so I donā€™t have a name for the file. I learned a hard lesson last week. One that I knew as I always told my students when I was teaching to save early and save often.

Tuesday mornings I have an early critique group at 7:00 am and a group for my CRM at 8:00 am. And for the last three weeks, Iā€™ve had a website learning/work group as well at 9:30 am. That doesnā€™t leave much time on Tuesday mornings for much else. I go out and feed the horses during the 30-minute break. When I came into the office, I noticed that my computer had restarted. An inconvenience but not a major problem. I had been getting notifications that a new and improved operating system needed to be installed. I had been ignoring them ā€“ I donā€™t need to do that right now.

Then it crashed again. Whatā€™s wrong? This Mac is highly unstable. I restarted it and continued with Zoom. When I was done with Zoom, I opened Word to find my Monday morning writing had disappeared. No worries I thought Word does a good job at recovering files after a crash. Apparently, itā€™s much harder to recover after multiple crashes.

circus performer spinning platesI searched Google and took the steps to find my file. No use I couldnā€™t. So, I decided to see if I could recover it from my brain. Itā€™s not the same but I think itā€™s similar.Ā 

Frustrated by spending most of my day trying to recover files that I could not I decided that my computer needed to be taken to the shop which I didnā€™t have time for given that I had spent most of the day trying to recover then rewriting my blog post and the nearest repair shop is in Lawrence. Iā€™ll take it when Iā€™m already going down.

The computer kept crashing. I became more frustrated, and I think it was on Friday that I finally Googled why. One of the reasons was that the operating system needed to be updated. Even though I was already frustrated by spending so much time restarting after crashes I took the time to download and install the update. This took a long time because I have really slow Internet (another frustration since Iā€™ve moved here) and I was using both my computers to complete some bookwork. I thought to myself it had to be done started it and went out to get the horses in and get their feed and stalls ready for the night. Iā€™m happy to report that it hasnā€™t crashed since. (Until after I wrote this the next Monday.) It still has something that I think needs to go to the repair shop about though.

Scream in LegosWhen I feel like my life is nonstop chaos, I get frustrated. Whether it be physical or mental I want to feel peace. Iā€™m working to get my life more organized so I will feel more peace, ease, and joy. Itā€™s moments like these that leave me feeling that my life is going round and round like a merry-go-round I canā€™t get off.

(In case youā€™re wondering this weekā€™s words were peace, organize, chaos, nonstop, and round.)

How do you handle the frustrations in your life? Would you like to handle them with more peace, joy, and ease? Iā€™ll be doing a playshop to look back at 2023 and look forward to 2024. Want to join me? Iā€™ll have the information out soon.

Iā€™m not giving up My Shot. Are you?

Make a Connection in the comments below.


Susan is a lifelong horsewoman, a Master Equine Gestaltist, an Equine Assisted PlayShop facilitator, a breast cancer survivor, a reluctant caregiver, a photographer, and a metal artist. She has a BA in Communications and works with doctors, caregivers, and patients through the Equine Gestalt Coaching MethodĀ®.