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Scream in LegosDiscover Your Hidden Opportunities

Opportunities abound. Sometimes we miss seeing them for all the minutia of life. There are certainly times when life gets in the way.

Managing Amidst Life’s Challenges

When doing the books for the farm, I often had a lot to catch up on in November and December. I would tie myself to the office until I got them complete. When I was doing the taxes, myself it was even worse. Those last few nights before they were due, I’d be up until the wee hours of the morning. At least I got them done.

When I was caregiving for Mike the book work wasn’t as important, and it became several years behind. They are almost caught up as I have someone doing the data entry now.

Finding Focus and Balance in a Chaotic World

You’d think that it would have been easy to catch up once I wasn’t caregiving anymore. When Mike died, I still had radiation to complete, John had his senior year of high school and then went off to KU. Now I would have time. It was hard for me to focus on the books when I had money-making projects to work on.

In December 2019, I went to stay at my parents’ house in Texas with Roderick who was living there. I took the bookwork with me. I could concentrate on it and do a few things with him. I wasn’t distracted by life like I was at home. I got a lot done.

Then came 2020. That would have been the perfect time when we were encouraged to stay home. During the time at home, Dad was diagnosed with colon cancer. He died in June 2020, and I was helping Mom.

In 2021 she sold the house they had lived in for 50 years without much time or a place to move. We didn’t know what she’d need. I didn’t have time to do anything else.

In May of 2021John started having seizures and there were trips to KU Med Center with him. There were also times when I took him to Lawrence so he could work at the Lied Center. When it looked like I would have some time I took the bookwork to do. Again, I wasn’t distracted by much and I could finish watching the videos to finish up my Gestalt Coaching Method training.

I have hired someone to do my taxes. Mike sold some ground before he died, and I felt like that was too much for me to figure out. Now I have the sale of the land in western Kansas and the move to eastern Kansas. Again, too much for me to do.

There is a lot of pain in this for me. It can feel like pulling weeds. You work and work and it seems like there are always more growing back. I still have a lot of stuff in storage from the move. Backed-up bookwork has kept me from some of those opportunities and I have grabbed others as I can. I’m finding a balance.

What opportunities are you missing out on? What’s holding you back? Where are you stuck? Join me and the healing herd at Sunset Connections, a group experience. Let’s work through what’s holding you back together. Click the button below for more information and to register.

Take it One Step At A Time.

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Susan is a lifelong horsewoman, a Master Equine Gestaltist, an Equine Assisted PlayShop facilitator, a breast cancer survivor, a reluctant caregiver, a photographer, and a metal artist. She has a BA in Communications and works with doctors, caregivers, and patients through the Equine Gestalt Coaching Method®.