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I have a huge, time-sensitive project that I need to tackle. One of the things that makes my life the most uncomfortable is that I tend to procrastinate. This particular project was going to be on a time crunch anyway because I didnā€™t get the names that I needed as early as I would have liked. Although I could have had the initial design made and popped their information in when I got them. It would have made the project much easier.

Iā€™m always excited when I get a new project, or an idea and Iā€™ve been mulling over this project for quite a while. Now itā€™s crunch time. I can only hope that it will be completed by the deadline. I know I have the tenacity the trick will be getting the designs into production to get them back in time.

Why do I procrastinate? Sometimes it has to do with fear. Usually, that fear is around reaching out to someone to get the information that I need. In this case, I could have had a few things set up that I would have then only needed to implement.

One of my biggest challenges around procrastination is not wanting to pick up the phone and call someone. As an introvert, itā€™s hard for me to speak up in the first place. If I must pick up the phone and call someone itā€™s even easier to put that off. No one will ever know if I donā€™t call if itā€™s not a phone appointment. So, I will wait until the last possible minute to do it. This can very easily mean that I push or even miss a deadline.

A huge place where people tend to procrastinate, myself included, is self-care. We will put everything and everyone before ourselves. We donā€™t set boundaries or do those things that would take care of us.

I know when I was caregiving for Mike my needs always came last. Until I was diagnosed with breast cancer then he pushed me to take care of myself. Iā€™ve learned a lot about taking care of myself since then. This summer I took myself to Hawaii and on a photography retreat to a ranch in Montana. Both times were strictly for me, and I guarded the time to go passionately.

Have you been procrastinating your self-care? Does fear keep you from completing projects with ease? Connect with me here to see how my healing herd can help.

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Susan is a lifelong horsewoman, a Master Equine Gestaltist, an Equine Assisted PlayShop facilitator, a breast cancer survivor, a reluctant caregiver, a photographer, and a metal artist. She has a BA in Communications and works with doctors, caregivers, and patients through the Equine Gestalt Coaching MethodĀ®.