Banner of horse's eyes
Scream in Legos

Art of the Brick

When you were a kid did you have monsters under your bed? Was there something that scared you after the lights went out?

When my parents built their house, it was on the edge of town in what had been a pasture. It was big and had large high windows. In Kansas, the wind blows, a lot. The house would creak. Because I was the only girl, I had a wing to myself, not close to anyone else.

My imagination would run wild. What was in the house making all that noise? Were there bees fluttering around somewhere.

Oakley is close enough to Colorado Springs to be in the training flight path of the Air Force jets so we would often have airplanes flying overhead sometimes breaking the sound barrier. More monster sounds.

My monsters were not under my bed they were in my loft. They would watch me from above. If I wasnā€™t careful, they might slowly descend the ladder. I would hear every noise in that house. When the wind blew it could sound as if the house would come down around me.

aligatorThey were waiting up there for me to come up. You see I loved animals and as young as we were our parents let us choose our own dƩcor. I had chosen jungle-themed wallpaper and the loft had bars like at a zoo. I would put my stuffed animals up there looking out of the bars, looking down at me.

In retrospect, this might not have been the best placement for a little girl. I still have trouble getting up in front of people. Could it be because I spent so many nights with ā€œmonstersā€ looking down at me from above? Were they whispering about me behind my back? These were all fears I had as a child living in a small town where I was highly visible and wanted to fit in.

face on a treeThis is part of what led to my wanting to be invisible. So much so that now I shrink back to the point it can be hard to get things done. I let that fear of the unknown noises take over and I find it hard to move.

Do you have monsters that keep you stuck? Are your feet firmly planted in the ground even though you want to move? Come experience how the horses can help you uproot yourself. Connect with me here for more information.

Do you wish your monsters were Already Gone?

Make a Connection in the comments below.


Susan is a lifelong horsewoman, a Master Equine Gestaltist, an Equine Assisted PlayShop facilitator, a breast cancer survivor, a reluctant caregiver, a photographer, and a metal artist. She has a BA in Communications and works with doctors, caregivers, and patients through the Equine Gestalt Coaching MethodĀ®.