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trollsOvercoming Lifeā€™s Trolls with Courage and Clarity

Do you feel shackled by the daily grind? Is there something keeping you locked out of your best life? Many times, these come from something in our background.

When I was a little girl, I had a teacher who would get upset when I didnā€™t do my homework. Now, I feel like there shouldnā€™t be homework in elementary school. I remember feeling like some of the things they assigned my sons in pre-school were homework for the parents. I also wonder if it was a way to get us to interact with our children in their education.

Open your heart.

The Weight of Words

When I was in fourth grade, the teacher was so upset that I didnā€™t come to school with my homework done that she put me across the hall in the janitorā€™s closet. It was an old school without air conditioning and the upper grades were on the second floor. Fortunately, there was a window.

I guess it was like solitary confinement. She thought Iā€™d be motivated to do it if there were no other distractions. It didnā€™t work. I can remember being in the closet. I donā€™t remember getting any homework done.

I also remember fighting my oldest son for hours to do his homework. That didnā€™t work either. Then when he was a freshman in high school one of the teachers said I needed to find a way to motivate him. I told him Iā€™d run out of ideas and asked if he had any. He didnā€™t.

For both of us, these experiences have been like a ball and chain weighing us down. I have trouble feeling like I know enough to do anything. I have a bachelorā€™s degree and four years of training in Gestalt.

Heā€™s scared to do anything that involves formal education. And heā€™s brilliant! School would be easy for him if heā€™d let it.

horse and womanThe Whispering Trolls

The things people say to us, especially people we look up to as having authority, stick with us for life. The good ones may stay in our heads. The bad ones sit like a troll on our shoulder and whisper all those things in our ear every day.

These whispers degrade our self-esteem and keep us from doing the things we are passionate about.

They keep us stuck and afraid to step into the person we want to be.

They keep us in people-pleasing mode.

The horses and I specialize in trollectomies. Click the button below to schedule a no-obligation Zoom. Then grab a cup of coffee and we can talk about getting rid of your trolls.

Break The Chain thatā€™s holding you back.

Make a Connection in the comments below.


Susan is a lifelong horsewoman, a Master Equine Gestaltist, an Equine Assisted PlayShop facilitator, a breast cancer survivor, a reluctant caregiver, a photographer, and a metal artist. She has a BA in Communications and works with doctors, caregivers, and patients through the Equine Gestalt Coaching MethodĀ®.