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Iā€™m having trouble hanging onto thoughts. Itā€™s as if there are ideas flickering in my mind. A thought comes to me, then it leaves. Sometimes they reappear sometimes they vanish.

Is this a part of my personality?

I tend to go from project to project. I get overwhelmed and start something different. Get overwhelmed with the scope and change to something else again. Now I have more than one open project and Iā€™m really overwhelmed, and I donā€™t work on anything. I concentrate on the projects I feel are important but more fun than others. Or life gets in the way, and I must be very selective. This is how I get so far behind on some of them. Itā€™s the tedious, not fun projects that get shoved to the bottom of the pile.


The important project has been lurking in the background.

Now I have a project that is important and urgent, so Iā€™ve marked out the month of April to work on it. I wonā€™t be able to work on my business like I want. This project must be completed to move forward!

Overwhelm is not a place I want to be. In fact, itā€™s my number one move away from value. Meaning itā€™s the most uncomfortable. Itā€™s also the easiest to procrastinate and shove to the side.

Procrastination is a strategy I use so I donā€™t feel so overwhelmed. In the long run, it doesnā€™t help. In fact, it makes things worse. It does feel good in the moment though. I can tell myself itā€™s OK I can do this later, itā€™s not urgent. Until it is. Then Iā€™m really in overwhelm.

woman and two horsesHow do I get out of overwhelm? Sometimes I go back to something creative like editing photos for a short while. That seems to make things move forward in other projects as well. I can also go out and spend time with the horses. Today after being gone for over a week and having a stressful day yesterday I was tired, my energy was low. I needed to take some feed to Ace so while I was there, I leaned in to receive some better energy from him. Then I felt better.

Would you like to send overwhelm and procrastination packing? Come see how the horses can help. Connect with me here to find out more.

Sometimes itā€™s all we can do is keep our Head Above Water.

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Susan is a lifelong horsewoman, a Master Equine Gestaltist, an Equine Assisted PlayShop facilitator, a breast cancer survivor, a reluctant caregiver, a photographer, and a metal artist. She has a BA in Communications and works with doctors, caregivers, and patients through the Equine Gestalt Coaching MethodĀ®.