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Your personality is the only permanent thing in your, ultimately, temporary lifeā€¦thatā€™s all the more reason to cherish it. ~Isabella Koldras

Scream in LegosI have to admit I get frustrated when my mom sees me as the little girl I was instead of the woman I am. Many times, she has asked me if Iā€™ve decided on a property in eastern Kansas. Yes, I have and Iā€™m working on some final details.

What she sees is that little girl who wanted two stuffed animals at the toy store and couldnā€™t or wouldnā€™t decide. In that case, I think I was trying to manipulate my parents into buying both. I got neither.

Maybe she sees the baby of the family who always had everything planned out for her and didnā€™t feel like she had any part in the decision-making. Someone else took over and it was easier to go with the flow than to try to get in my two cents. Why should I bother ā€“ it wasnā€™t that important to me.

At Christmas time she sent home her farm financial records with my brother whoā€™s a CPA. Heā€™s always worked with or in hospitals never with farms. Now he has called a meeting of all of us in Kansas City. Itā€™s an easy drive for him, maybe an hour. My other brother will fly in. And I am supposed to drive mom 350 miles for it.

When he first gave me the dates, I thought it was the week after I had my mammogram and oncology appointment at KU Med and John has a couple of appointments there as well. I was not going to drive one week and then turn around and go back the next. Iā€™ve done that and I wasnā€™t willing to do that for this. When I checked my calendar, it was the weekend after our appointments ā€“ Mine on Wednesday, Johnā€™s on Friday so that would work.

When I was talking to mom about going with me, she asked when I was leaving. I must leave on Tuesday. She didnā€™t want to leave that early and said that it was pretty organized for me to have something planned out so far in advance. Iā€™ve made this drive plenty of times in the last eight-plus years. I know when I need to leave to get to appointments and my mammogram was early enough in the day that I didnā€™t want to leave that day. You never know what will happen to slow you down. Again, she knows nothing about the woman I am now.

horses at waterThe decision-making comes from two parts of my typology. I tend to like to leave things open in case something better comes along. Again, this is the organizational part of my typology not being very high. If it were Iā€™d want the decision made quickly and not have it open to change. It also comes with the intuitive part. My typology says I should make decisions with my heart or gut. I tend to overthink them and therefore leave them open.

2 horses greetingThese things have to do with my typology. I tend to the organized side, and Iā€™m not very high. So, I can go either way easily. I can be organized, and parts of my life show that like my calendar and my computer file organization. Others tend to be more relaxed. If you came to my house, you wouldnā€™t think I land on the organizational side. It comes out in those things that are important to me and that I feel like I have more control over. Mike tended to the unorganized side and I lived with three boys for many years it was overwhelming to keep the house organized.

Our typology can affect many areas of our lives and relationships. How we perceive ourselves and how others perceive us. How we communicate and how we receive communications. All come back to our typology.

Would you like to learn more about your typology? Connect with me here to learn more.


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Susan is a lifelong horsewoman, a Master Equine Gestaltist, an Equine Assisted PlayShop facilitator, a breast cancer survivor, a reluctant caregiver, a photographer, and a metal artist. She has a BA in Communications and works with doctors, caregivers, and patients through the Equine Gestalt Coaching MethodĀ®.