Procrastination Revisited

ā€‹This has been coming up a lot for me lately. Why do I procrastinate? For me itā€™s tied to perfectionism. I have many ways to procrastinate, doing laundry, eating, cleaning house, or the dreaded social media. There are also the things that look like work, researching...

The Fallacy of Work/Life Balance

Isnā€™t work part of life? We all try to achieve balance between our work life and our personal life. I donā€™t believe an equal balance can be attained. We can only do our best at not letting either take over. Last week a friend posted the following quote on FaceBook: I...

What If the Doctors Disagree?

ā€‹I read a post by Brandon Janous titled Wanna feel loved? Get Cancer. The title is what drew me to the article. Itā€™s very true. I got gifts from people I knew well and people I hardly knew. One friend insisted on bringing dinner which turned into several meals. But I...

Follow Your Heart

As I embark on the next stage of my Gestalt education a student in the Equine Gestalt Coaching MethodĀ® program posted something in our FaceBook group about a talk with a friend. Her friend was discouraging her from following her dream because of her age. Most of the...