
How Do You Handle the Carnival Ride of Life?

The weather in Kansas can be like a roller coaster. Two days ago, it was a glorious sunny day and in the 60s. Not bad for the last day of December. Two days before that we had rain, snow, and wind. Today we are in a winter weather advisory with freezing rain expected....

When to Take a Leap of Faith

How ready should you be when you take that step off the edge? There have been many times in my life when I was standing at the precipice. My worrisome thoughts about the judgment of others holding me back. In high school, I didn’t fit in. I loved horses and they were...

Horses Can Keep the Energy Vampires Away

Energy vampires – that’s what came up in my Daily Wisdom Message today. You know the ones; they want to drain you of all your energy by spewing all their negative energy. They are the people who get themselves in a tizzy and want to vent to anyone within earshot....

My Experiences with Hope Held By A Horse

It’s a glorious Monday in late August. I arrived home late from a new experience over the weekend. There is a non-profit that is run by an Equine Gestalt Coach® called Hope Held By A Horse. It helps women cope with the emotional ravages of breast cancer. This weekend...