A New Chapter

Early Sunday morning our granddaughter was born. Carrie Mikaela Bloom was born on Sunday, October 7th at 12:24 am. A few weeks before Charlie and Jessica had asked me if I wanted to be in the delivery room. I didnā€™t want to be in the delivery room for the birth of my...

Being In The Moment

Music has always played a big role in my life. As a little girl, I sang with my mother. In high school and college, I sang with the choir as well as in small groups and solos. When I do anything creative or read I like to listen to music. When I read or write I listen...

Grieving And Summit

I believe grief lasts a lifetime. That being said, I donā€™t expect to grieve all the time for the rest of my life. It comes in small, sometimes unexpected, waves. Something reminds me of Mike and makes me cry or sends me down memory lane. Last weekend I went to the...

My Other Lives

Besides Equine Gestalt CoachingĀ® I am also a photographer and metal artist (for lack of a better term), I design, cut, and finish metal pieces for the home and yard. Sometimes my life becomes overwhelmed and feels out of control. Throw into that mixture a teen-aged...

Cross Country

My son runs in High School Cross Country. Every time Iā€™m at a meet I am almost to the point of tears to see how hard these kids must work to run 5k (3.1 miles). Some of them must have a passion for running. At the meet, last Saturday one girl was way out in front of...