
We All Have Stories to Tell

Some days I struggle with getting out of bed. My preference would be to be a night owl and get up later than my horses would like to be fed. Often if I donā€™t have anything first thing in the morning Iā€™ll get back in bed for a few minutes. One time when Mike was in the...

Are You Stuck in the Gray Area of Being Busy?

In our culture being busy is looked upon as admirable. I think this is a big mistake. Buzzing around like bees, doing a lot, and never getting anything meaningful done. Itā€™s easy to do. How Busyness Has Changed For Me Since my mom had the stroke, Iā€™ve been busy. Iā€™m...

Sometimes We Need to Disperse Our Stress

Last week I was a bit disoriented. The week started out normal enough with writing group Monday morning. Then on Tuesday when I went to post my blog and send out my email, I discovered that the writing had disappeared. My computer hasnā€™t been crashing as much. For a...

What is Gestalt and Why Horses?

When I tell people Iā€™m a Master Equine Gestaltist they often get a funny look on their faces. They may say something like an equine is a horse, right? Whatā€™s that other word? Itā€™s rather hard to explain ā€“ itā€™s easier to experience it. Hereā€™s my best effort. Gestalt is...