Breaking Free from Resentment

Finding Joy and Building Stronger Connections Do you feel like there is a monster who’s sucking the joy right out of you? Instead of allowing this guest to ruin your life take some beautiful steps to find your joy. When Joy Feels Out of Reach Several years into my...

Living for the Weekend?

Find Clarity and Create a Life You Love Monday! Do you live for the weekend? Have trouble getting out of bed on Mondays? Most of us do. We have a job that keeps us occupied during the week and hopefully pays the bills. Then on the weekends, we get to “live”. If you...

From Frozen Manure to Frozen Tasks

Overcoming What’s Holding You Back It’s been a nice and busy couple of weeks. The day after Thanksgiving my son and his family came for the day on Friday. It snowed a bit on Saturday and was cold for a few days while being extremely cold at night. Then I got tickets...

Unchain Your Potential

Overcoming Life’s Trolls with Courage and Clarity Do you feel shackled by the daily grind? Is there something keeping you locked out of your best life? Many times, these come from something in our background. When I was a little girl, I had a teacher who would get...

From Fear to Freedom

How Dalila’s Story Can Inspire Your Journey It’s hunting season and although there are no hunters on my property, they are close enough that the gunfire carries. Dalila is terrified of the noise. A Heart-Stopping Escape She’s hypersensitive to sounds. Last spring we...

Finding Growth in Life’s Rainstorms

Embracing Challenges and Moving Forward It’s raining again – literally. This spring and early summer the horses’ pens were like swamps. They had finally dried up. Now they are messy again. It feels like it’s been raining non-stop since the first of November. This...

Rediscovering Authenticity

How Horses Help Us Embrace Our True Selves Do you always feel like you’re being authentic? I mean true to yourself, never wavering. I hear a lot about this. We tend to put on different personas for the outside world. Because we feel like people won’t like us if we’re...

Lessons in Boundaries and Completions

How Horses Can Help Us Set Limits and Let Go I think I wrote about my word for the year being completions. Last week I got another thing completed. The house in Oakley is sold. It hasn’t been a great process. It’s been under contract three times, and it sold for less...

When Life Feels Like a Whirlwind

Living in Western Kansas I’ve seen a lot of wind. This passage has inspired me to find a way to embrace the wind.   “A Tibetan allegory, it represents the strength of the human soul, with two components: the first being the wind, or chi, the equivalent of...

Embracing the Unexpected

A Journey Through Corn Mazes, Repairs, and Letting Go of Control Some days don’t go as planned. Mom and I went back to Oakley for the weekend after Mikey’s birthday to celebrate with her and her family. There’s a corn maze south of Oakley this year and Charlie thought...