A Second Surgery

​ We were on our way to Kansas City. I was to have surgery on Thursday, January 11 and Mike was to have an EGD with dilation on Friday, January 12 then we would drive home. We got to Lawrence without any problems and had dinner with Roderick and his girlfriend....

Why Can’t Anything Be Easy

​ For the last four holiday seasons, I’ve felt grateful for my family because of Mike’s health. This season was a little different because of mine. Don’t worry I’ll get through this, it may not be as easy as we thought but I’ll survive. I was very worried about Mike...

The Shocking Pathology Results

The lumpectomy and sentinel biopsy was a breeze. I hardly had any pain. I did sleep a lot when we got home. And I got to John’s band concert on the next Tuesday, sans camera, but I was there. I would have had to go to great lengths to get his picture anyway. He was...


The lumpectomy and sentinel node biopsy was scheduled for December 14. I would go in for the radioactive seed placement the day before. As I understood it this was the placement of a small radioactive device so the surgeon could see the edges of the tumor and would...

On To KU Med Center

​ We were back in Kansas City for my first visits with the breast surgeon and breast oncologist the week after Thanksgiving. I started out with another mammogram (that’s three in two months if you’re counting) and an ultrasound. I was able to have lunch between the...

Pathology Results

These words have changed my life in several ways since January of 2013. But this time it was personal. In November and December of 2014, we had traveled six times in eight weeks to KU Med Center as they were trying to find lung cancer that a local practitioner thought...