Advocating For the Patient

​Last week I found a tiny lump under my right arm. At first, I was going to wait and see what it did. That lasted a day and I called to see if I could get in to see my primary care physician even though it had only been a little over a week since I’d seen her. They...

The Truth About Caregiving

Caregiving is an emotional and sometimes lonely experience. Especially when it is a loved one you are caring for.​ It was early in Mike’s illness that I remember telling a therapist I was terrified and exhausted. He told me that I was one of the strongest people he...

What If the Doctors Disagree?

​I read a post by Brandon Janous titled Wanna feel loved? Get Cancer. The title is what drew me to the article. It’s very true. I got gifts from people I knew well and people I hardly knew. One friend insisted on bringing dinner which turned into several meals. But I...