What do you have an attachment to? As I’ve decluttered my house it’s been interesting what I feel attached to and what is easy to release.
Yesterday I read a beautiful post by a woman who lost her husband this spring. She talked about him wanting things to go to someone who would be blessed by them.
Whether it’s stuff or emotions that we are attached to the lesson to bless, and release is a great one.
My grandkids have been here a little over a week and it’s interesting to see their attachments. The three-year-old girl is very attached. She doesn’t want to sleep in the bed I have for her because there is no TV in the room. Every night she asks where she is going to sleep and says she wants to sleep on the couch. Then she pouts to see if she can keep that attachment to the TV. The only time she has slept on the couch has been for naps because it’s easier for me.
I was told by the older girl that I would have to put the two-year-old boy to sleep before putting him into the bed. I did that for the first few nights. One night he was so tired that he wanted to go right to bed. The next night he fought sleep so hard that I decided that it might be more effective to put him right in his bed. For the last three nights, I’ve put him in bed, and he’s gone to sleep with only a little soothing. These two are definitely attached to their bedtime routines and are creating new ones at grandma’s house.
With my own children, I noticed early on that the oldest took good care of his toys and I could punish him by taking them away. The middle one was kind of hard on toys and didn’t care when I threatened to take his beloved collection of Beanie Babies. His Kindergarten teacher was worried because he would put his papers in the trash instead of bringing them home. Now the middle one is the one who cleans by throwing things away and the older one still keeps stuff.
What is the root of your attachment? With my boys, it is part of their personality. The middle son tests more organized on the temperament test I give and although I haven’t tested the oldest, he shows all the signs of not being very high on organization.
Another reason might be emotions. I have stuff that holds a lot of emotion for me that I have held onto during the decluttering. When we were cleaning out my grandma’s house I felt like my mom and aunt thought I should want more of the ceramics that she had made. I only wanted ones that she had made with or for me, not ones that were stored in her basement.
Sometimes we get so overwhelmed with stuff that we rent a storage unit to store it then we never look at it again. Do you need some help dealing with the emotions that keep you holding on to stuff you don’t need? The horses can help you release the emotional baggage that keeps you from blessing someone with it. Connect with me here to learn more.
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