Sometimes we donā€™t see things that are right in front of us. I was reminded of this recently when I took a friend who was traveling through to see some local sites.

I was born here and going to the pyramids is something Iā€™ve done frequently all my life. Iā€™ve witnessed the gradual changes in them over the years but have never thought of them as something spectacular. Even as a child when I would often go with my dad as he took medical students to see them.

Woman at Monument Rocks

Kirsten was in awe of the Pyramids (Monument Rocks).

Kirsten was in awe of them. There was a prehistoric inland waterway that came through this area, time and erosion have left these beautiful chalk formations standing out in a flat field where there is no water. Even the nearby Smokyhill River rarely has water in it.

Monument Rocks

The Monument Rocks know by locals as the Pyramids.

My husband has had several health challenges in the last few years. In the 30+ years weā€™ve been together Iā€™ve often taken him for granted as he has me. In the last few it is much easier to see him with through the eyes of gratefulness and know that our time on this planet is fleeting. As we meet these challenges together I will forever be grateful for the time we have had and keep trying to see him through ā€œfresh eyes.ā€

How many things in your life do you take for granted? We tend to take relationships, our health, and the things around us for granted.

Man getting boat ready to launch

Mike preparing the boat to launch at Lake Merritt in NE.

Looking at the people around us with fresh eyes can enhance our relationships with those we love, those we barely know, and even with ourselves.

Our bodies are telling us about our state of health every day. Using those fresh eyes instead of denying what we know will increase our health.

Seeing the beauty of the earth and our surroundings will lead us to be grateful for the bounty and beauty in our lives.

If we care about ourselves, our relationships, and our surroundings we will live a fuller happier life.

So why not? Why not stop taking the ones we love, our health, and our surroundings for granted.

See your world through fresh eyes. Your life can be so much fuller and richer if you do!

If youā€™d like to see how The EGC Methodā„¢ can help we can connect here.

Just for fun and to get you inspired you can listen to Andy Grammer’s Fresh Eyes here.

Connect with others about how you see your world below in the comments