Banner of horse's eyes
picture of man and fish

Mike with a salmon he caught in Washington.

2018 has been a year of huge changes for me. I was diagnosed with breast cancer a little over a year ago. I did most of my treatment this year. After five-and-a-half years of traveling to doctors and hospitals, Mike succumbed to his illnesses in late June. I became a grandma. And after a two-year program of study, I became certified in the Equine Gestalt Coaching MethodĀ®.

2019 with have further changes. John will graduate from high school and move out leaving me a truly empty nest. It will just be me and the pets. I will embark on a new journey and put my EGCM training to use as well as continuing my creative endeavors in photography, metal art, and design.

As I head into 2019, Iā€™m taking some time to reflect on the year behind me. What did I appreciate about 2018 that I would like to celebrate? In my case, my reflection will also have some grief. I will see if there is anything I need to bring forth and finish. Reflect on how Iā€™ve spent my time and how that might change. Give the year a name.

woman and baby

Sharing a moment with Mikey on my birthday.

As I look into next year, Iā€™ll look at what I want to create. Where do I want to be in my health, spirituality, financially, and in relationships?

I will also revisit my values. Values guide every decision we make. Our destiny is shaped by all our decisions. If I am to live my deepest level of fulfillment, I will know my values and live by them every single day.

When I am clear on my values my decision making is much easier. Remember all the decisions I have made have brought me to where I am. When I live my values, I feel fulfilled and know who I am.

picture of lone highway

Writing a vision will clarify the path in front of me.

Values come from a mixed bag of experiences. From our parents, school, encouragement and punishment, friends, churches, books, heroes, role models, and any pain weā€™ve lived through.

Then Iā€™ll write a vision for the new year. A vision that is plugged into my values and my life, so I can enjoy the process more. A vision that will make my heart race with anticipation when I think about it.

Want to join me? Iā€™m offering a Visioning Weekend. Itā€™s for anybody who is interested in shaping their life and discovering their values. Learn more here.

Canā€™t Stop The Feeling when my vision is clear.

Onward! Living Your Passion

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Susan is a lifelong horsewoman, a Master Equine Gestaltist, an Equine Assisted PlayShop facilitator, a breast cancer survivor, a reluctant caregiver, a photographer, and a metal artist. She has a BA in Communications and works with doctors, caregivers, and patients through the Equine Gestalt Coaching MethodĀ®.