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Itā€™s amazing how I can find something ā€œimportantā€ at least in that moment to do when I am resisting doing something that needs to be done.


Hans waiting for me to stop procrastinating and let him in on a cold February day.

As this blog post is a day late, I must have had some of those things come up to keep me from writing.

Iā€™m not very good at cleaning house but it seems to take precedence to doing back bookwork. You see I have some back bookwork that I need to do. Iā€™m feeling some shame around it, I donā€™t know why because Iā€™m the only one I have to answer to for it. I also know that I will feel a huge weight lifted when itā€™s complete.

Why all the resistance?

Resistance usually shows up when I am in fear or shame. It was easy to put things off when I was taking care of Mike. His health always took precedence. Then there was my treatment.

Now I have no excuses, but Iā€™ve had a hard time working on it. I finished treatment in August, over six months ago, and still, it waits.


Don’t let the sun go down on your procrastination.

Iā€™ve had many discussions around this with my coach. Last week I wrote about the spinning plates. She asked me if the new business is a resistance to doing what I need to do. Possibly, although Iā€™ve always had a hard time passing on an opportunity to make money over working on the books or doing housework.

I will almost always choose editing photos or working on a metal project over either option. I may even work on a speculative project over the work of doing the books or cleaning house. Itā€™s just more fun.

I can change that attitude to one of once the bookwork is done, Iā€™ll have that much more time to do the fun stuff. And, bonus, I wonā€™t feel guilty about doing it instead of the books.

race horses

Racing toward the finish line.

Iā€™ve tried many things to overcome my procrastination. One being doing hour-and-a-half work chunks in each area of my work day. One being that I work on specific areas for entire days because when I start working in the shop, I need more than an hour-and-a-half, thatā€™s just getting started.

Or the perfectionism shows up and I spend more time on a project than is necessary. I have many methods of procrastination.

What it ultimately gets down to is the shame I feel around not having it done in a timely manner. I need to reframe that attitude to better late than never, move on and get it done.

Thatā€™s my reframe that will lift the veil of shame and open my life up to abundance.

Where and how do you have resistance show up in your life?

Per Elvis Presley,Ā we need A Little Less Conversation and a little more action.Ā 

Onward! Winter

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Susan is a lifelong horsewoman, a Master Equine Gestaltist, an Equine Assisted PlayShop facilitator, a breast cancer survivor, a reluctant caregiver, a photographer, and a metal artist. She has a BA in Communications and works with doctors, caregivers, and patients through the Equine Gestalt Coaching MethodĀ®.