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As I turn the calendar page and enter the new month, I’m reminded about the month the pandemic started here in the US. Since March of 2020 many lives were changed. Earlier this month the US surpassed 500,000 deaths due to Covid-19.

It’s been a year full of fear, anxiety, and loneliness for many. The past year has been another year of huge changes for me. In the last year, I’ve had plans canceled, I lost my dad, and I’ve been blessed with a new grandson.

2020 was the year I was going to take off in my Equine Gestalt Coaching practice. Instead, it has been a year to pivot. The year of Zoom meetings, masks, and social distancing.

Living in western Kansas I can embrace Zoom because we travel long distances for many reasons. In February 2020 I traveled 700 miles for peace of mind. When I don’t like Zoom is for an appointment with a doctor. They’re great when it’s a follow-up to discuss test results otherwise how can a doctor do an exam? There is no way to palpate for a lump, test strength, or listen to lungs and heart.

Zoom has brought me connections with many I wouldn’t have otherwise been able to connect with. I love meeting weekly with some of my EGCM herdmates. I even had a session with my horses and another EGCM practitioner over Zoom. The thing is not everyone has a healing herd of horses and loving colleagues they can turn to. Yes, some of my practice can be done via Zoom however some of it requires the live presence of the horses. They are such great healers.

At a time in my life when I was preparing to take flight, everything felt like it was crashing down around me. Like the pages of a calendar keep turning our lives are ever-changing. With each sunrise and sunset, we are given a precious new beginning.

I was watching a show with my grandkids yesterday where they were talking with a base jumper. He said once he jumps there is nothing else except being present in that moment. That seems like an extreme way to be in the present moment.

Horses have a way of keeping you present. If you stray, they may step on your foot to bring you back. If you’re trying to catch them while multi-tasking, they will play games with you. If you’re not present for them, they’ll let you know.

Life is precious. Take time to wonder at the unfamiliar. Take time to talk with others and really listen. Meditate. What are some ways you stay in the moment?

Would you like to see how the horses and I can help you be mindful and in the moment? Connect with me here and let’s explore.

What does life have in store for you as you Turn The Page?

Make a Connection in the comments below.


Susan is a lifelong horsewoman, a Master Equine Gestaltist, an Equine Assisted PlayShop facilitator, a breast cancer survivor, a reluctant caregiver, a photographer, and a metal artist. She has a BA in Communications and works with doctors, caregivers, and patients through the Equine Gestalt Coaching Method®.