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Expectations. How does it feel when someone puts expectations on you especially if you donā€™t know what they are, and you donā€™t live up to them? What about you putting expectations on others, are they clearly spelled out? How does it feel when someone doesnā€™t live up to your expectations?

In my marriage, I often put expectations on my husband without his knowing it. And usually, he didnā€™t live up to them. How could he when he didnā€™t know what they were?

Man gentling horseHe would tell me heā€™d return in a bit. His time frame didnā€™t match mine and I was often upset with him because he was gone so long. Or I expected him to see something that needed to be done around the house and he didnā€™t do it. He would have if I asked him to, but I expected him to know it without my having to ask.

man fishingI remember one time when he asked me to do something and then expected me to follow up with something else. I only did what he had asked. Our conversation went something like this. He asked if I had done what he asked. I said yes. He asked if I had done the follow-up task. I said no, I didnā€™t know that was needed. He explained it was logical that I should follow up did I need him to draw me a picture? I responded, apparently so. These misunderstandings caused a lot of strife in our marriage.

Our lives are filled with expectations. We have expectations at work, at home, and within our social circles. One of the expectations we have is to fill up our time ā€“ to be busy. We may work all day and come home to family activities weā€™re expected to fulfill. They pull on us from every direction.

I donā€™t know if it was expected of them by administration, but I always had mixed feelings when Mikeā€™s doctors would call or email at off hours. I remember when a surgeon called me at 8:00 pm and apologized for his kids in the background. I wanted to apologize to him for his feeling that he needed to call me when he was home with his kids. Another one told me when he was on vacation, he would check email after the kids went to bed. I wanted to tell him he was on vacation, someone else could take care of those emails or they could wait.

cowgirl, cowboy, and horses at sunsetWhen I was growing up my dad was the only doctor in our rural county. He was on call 24/7. He had to hire someone to come in and cover his practice and the hospital when he went on vacation. This was before email and cell phones, so he was really on vacation from his practice ā€“ it was in someone elseā€™s capable hands.

I also remember a time when we went to my cousinā€™s wedding, and he was torn because he had left a pregnant woman in the capable hands of the locum tenens doctor and her baby had been stillborn. Iā€™m sure he wouldnā€™t have been able to change the outcome had he been there. He felt bad nonetheless.

Sunset over oceanI also have e friend who tells a story about when her first daughter was born. She was close to delivery and had an appointment that day. It was my brotherā€™s birthday and he told her he was going to go to Hays (90 miles) to celebrate his birthday with him. He felt comfortable doing this as she didnā€™t seem to be that close to delivery. She did deliver that night. His partner delivered her daughter.

As a patient and caregiver, I appreciate that the doctors return emails and calls after hours or while on vacation. I also hope they donā€™t feel like I expect it. Iā€™m fine with them taking some time for themselves and their families and I hope they will. Making ourselves too available can be detrimental.

Do you feel like expectations from work and/or family are weighing you down? Would you like to feel more balance in your life? Connect with me here to see how the horses and I can help.

Expectations can wear us down.

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Susan is a lifelong horsewoman, a Master Equine Gestaltist, an Equine Assisted PlayShop facilitator, a breast cancer survivor, a reluctant caregiver, a photographer, and a metal artist. She has a BA in Communications and works with doctors, caregivers, and patients through the Equine Gestalt Coaching MethodĀ®.