Complete 2022 and Begin 2023 With Peace, Joy, and Ease

At the end of 2021, I was posed with these questions by a colleague. Iā€™m going to revise them here for 2022. Think back on the entire year and complete the following sentences. In 2022 I learned how to be brave while being patient. 2022 showed me how to be patient...

Live Your Best Life in 2023

Do you feel discomfort at the end of the year? Like youā€™ve left something incomplete or discombobulated. I often feel this way. This morning when I was feeding my horses, I thought I hate this time of year. I love Christmas, itā€™s the time before. Iā€™m never ready and...

Sometimes It Feels Like Grief Comes Out of Nowhere

There are times it feels like grief takes a pause. Or maybe life gets on a roll, and it is pushed aside. Last week I had it come to the forefront. I had to make an account for the estate to put part of the money in from the sale of the land. This estate business has...

Do You Have Big Dreams for the Future?

With the end of the year fast approaching do you look back on your year and wonder what you have accomplished? This might be a habit you needed to unlearn. Some packing or unpacking you needed to do. As I look back on 2022, I see many accomplishments and sometimes I...