Horses, Gestalt, and Grief

As I sit here with the dog I wonder about the timing of life. Timing can be magical and divine. Or not. There are times when the world seems to be throwing everything at me at once. The catastrophes keep coming one after another. Then it calms down for a moment. I had...

There May Be Reasons From Childhood Keeping You Stuck

When you were a kid did you have monsters under your bed? Was there something that scared you after the lights went out? When my parents built their house, it was on the edge of town in what had been a pasture. It was big and had large high windows. In Kansas, the...

Finding Calm Amid The Chaos

It feels like I did nothing this fall except drive. I was so feeling good going into November because after the World Show I had no specific travel plans. Iā€™d be home for a while. That was not the case when Johnā€™s medical issues came up while I was in Oklahoma City...