Trusting the Horses

Last week I had a lesson in trust. Before I had children, I rode a horse almost daily. I had grown up showing in western events from halter to barrel-racing, my favorite events being the speed events. When I was in college I discovered jumping and fell in love with...

Surrender the Hows to The Universe

Surrender – cease resistance to an enemy or opponent and submit to their authority. Iā€™m having trouble with letting go of trying to manage situations. I have control only over myself, how I respond and what I do. Once I do what I can I have trouble surrendering...

Horses, Dogs, and Mindfulness

Do you ever have those moments when youā€™re so in your head you forget what youā€™re doing? While I was out feeding this morning, I started out to the horses with the food for the cats. I was so in my head I almost reached the fence. The horses were quietly munching...

Come Out From Under Your Cloak

Do you ever feel invisible? Do you want to have Harry Potterā€™s cloak of invisibility? I read a post this week where a woman said that when she was a child her parents didnā€™t acknowledge her so she would do things to get their attention. Which means she would get their...

My Adventure of Self Discovery

ā€‹To say moving my mom out of her house of 50 years has been an adventure might be an understatement. Iā€™m learning a lot about why I am who I am. While going through my room I found a Keirsey Temperament Sorter that a counselor friend of my parents sent me when I was...