Being Authentic

For years Iā€™ve struggled with authenticity. I havenā€™t felt like I fit in here and have tried to figure out just who I really am. Iā€™m much more liberal minded than most people here. Iā€™ve always liked wine instead of beer. I have the soul of an artist. At my first...

Making Connections

I had a couple of people tell me that I would become attached to and miss the people who did my chemo and radiation treatments. Frankly, I can only remember a few of their names. I can see their faces, but I certainly donā€™t miss them.On the other hand, I do miss...

Death of Customer Service

Have you ever tried to find a full-service gas station? They are virtually non-existent. The last time I rented a car it had gone to more of a self-service than Iā€™d ever seen and Iā€™m sure itā€™s even more so now. Customer service has been declining gradually for years....