I Beat It!

Last Wednesday I had my first yearly mammogram. They scheduled me for my next one next December, it was clear. I have developed a minor complication of them taking lymph nodes. I have some lymphedema in my breast. They have been monitoring for it in my arm, but I...

Trust In Self

As I see so many people post about ā€œthe empty chairā€ for the holidays I sometimes wonder if Iā€™m doing this grieving thing wrong. You see I feel at peace with my loss of Mike. I worry more about my boys than myself. So why would something outside of me cause me to...

Living Your Passion

If we all had the passion of Queen, especially Freddie Mercury, weā€™d be set. John and I saw Bohemian Rhapsody last night. Some movies are a little slow getting to rural western Kansas. I loved it because it showed the passion that the band, specifically Freddie...

Look Back, Look Forward

2018 has been a year of huge changes for me. I was diagnosed with breast cancer a little over a year ago. I did most of my treatment this year. After five-and-a-half years of traveling to doctors and hospitals, Mike succumbed to his illnesses in late June. I became a...


This seems to be a buzz word lately. For the whole time of Mikeā€™s illness, everybody told me to take care of myself. You canā€™t give from a cup that is not full. Then last year when I was diagnosed with breast cancer, I heard it even more. I always thought that Mike...