Hair Loss

Those of you that have known me for a while know that most of my life Iā€™ve had long brown hair. Well mostly brown the last few years Iā€™ve had to help it stay brown. Iā€™ve considered it one of my best features and I loved having the ability to wear it up or down...

After the First Treatment

The treatment left me woozy for a while. This is how I feel when I ride drivers who are heavy on the accelerator and brake in the city. Why I always drive. Mike had a mission and even though Hays isnā€™t city driving he made it worse. We got home without any problems...

Starting Treatment

I had seen the oncologist in Hays twice. Once before the second surgery and once almost three weeks after it when I still had the drain. The drain was taken out on February 8 and my first chemo treatment was set for February 14. It seems like all the major events have...

More Complications and Pathology

Follow-up for this surgery was two weeks after so I had about a week at home after Mikeā€™s hospital stay. I was sure that the doctor would not be removing the drain since they had told me that I had to be down to less than 30 mls before it could come out. Again, I saw...

The Hospital Stay ā€“ Mikeā€™s

The nurses couldnā€™t believe that Iā€™d had surgery only the day before when he was admitted. Admittedly I didnā€™t ever have much pain. Or maybe I just donā€™t feel it. Normally I like to be at the hospital when the doctors make rounds, but I knew this surgeon usually did...