
What People Are Afraid Of

​As my listening partner and I got further into the fear vs awareness question a few things came up. I feel like our busyness is a way we avoid our fears. If we’re busy we don’t have to face those things that scare us the most. Going from one activity to the next is a...

What is the Difference Between Fear and Awareness?

In the Equine Gestalt Coaching® and the Gestalt Coaching™ Method training, April is listening month. We are assigned a partner and each day one asks a series of questions and listens to the other’s response. One of our questions has been about fear versus awareness....

When it Comes to Caregiving There Are No Rules

Being a caregiver is a lot like being a parent. It doesn’t come with an instruction book. You must decipher a lot of jargon you don’t understand. But you don’t get nine months to prepare and there doesn’t seem to be as much support for caregivers. I was reluctantly...

When Caregiving Ends

​I wrote this as a follow up to The Truth About Caregiving then given the circumstances over the last few weeks I held it. (If you missed those you can read them here and here) This Valentine’s Day has brought up a lot of emotions for me. I was confused about it...