
Advocating For the Patient

​Last week I found a tiny lump under my right arm. At first, I was going to wait and see what it did. That lasted a day and I called to see if I could get in to see my primary care physician even though it had only been a little over a week since I’d seen her. They...

The Truth About Caregiving

Caregiving is an emotional and sometimes lonely experience. Especially when it is a loved one you are caring for.​ It was early in Mike’s illness that I remember telling a therapist I was terrified and exhausted. He told me that I was one of the strongest people he...

Procrastination Revisited

​This has been coming up a lot for me lately. Why do I procrastinate? For me it’s tied to perfectionism. I have many ways to procrastinate, doing laundry, eating, cleaning house, or the dreaded social media. There are also the things that look like work, researching...

The Fallacy of Work/Life Balance

Isn’t work part of life? We all try to achieve balance between our work life and our personal life. I don’t believe an equal balance can be attained. We can only do our best at not letting either take over. Last week a friend posted the following quote on FaceBook: I...

What If the Doctors Disagree?

​I read a post by Brandon Janous titled Wanna feel loved? Get Cancer. The title is what drew me to the article. It’s very true. I got gifts from people I knew well and people I hardly knew. One friend insisted on bringing dinner which turned into several meals. But I...

Follow Your Heart

As I embark on the next stage of my Gestalt education a student in the Equine Gestalt Coaching Method® program posted something in our FaceBook group about a talk with a friend. Her friend was discouraging her from following her dream because of her age. Most of the...

Writing the Next Chapter of Your Life

Every year we get a chance to look back at the past year and see what we have done. Maybe what we haven’t gotten done and decide if we would like to carry that forward into the next year. This year is the end of a decade so it’s a great time to write our plans for the...