by Susan | May 23, 2019 | Awareness, Communications
Recently I was having some resistance to doing something. About a week after I had reluctantly done it, I figured out why. I was feeling shame. Not that I was feeling shame about doing it but feeling shamed into doing it. I consciously did not want to do it but felt...
by Susan | May 15, 2019 | Caregiving, Communications, EGC, Horses, Medical, Relationships
I’m so done with high school. Fortunately, that part of my life is complete. I was done when I graduated and now, I have all my children graduated. I suppose it’s the same everywhere, but it feels unique to a small town. If you don’t fit in it can be difficult. John...
by Susan | May 9, 2019 | Awareness, EGC, Horses
Do you have a dream that you’d like to see come to fruition? In the Equine Gestalt Coaching Method® training we are required to create a vision. Mine has always been to live in the country where my horses are. When Mike and I were first married I was able to do that....
by Susan | May 1, 2019 | Awareness, Communications, EGC, Horses
Watching Dalila play with Hans (my older Dachshund) and Ithaca (the cat/kitten) I’m reminded about setting boundaries. Hans is very clear when Dalila chews on his tail or his ears that he wants none of that. Or if she tries to eat his food. Dalila pounces on Ithaca...
by Susan | Apr 26, 2019 | Awareness
As if my life hadn’t already been turned upside down recently and I have further changes ahead. I chose this week to make a couple of changes. On Monday morning I loaded Hans up and we drove to Denver to meet two good friends for lunch. Oh, and one of them brought me...
by Susan | Apr 19, 2019 | Awareness
Those things that pull us away from our goals. I’ve written about procrastination and spinning plates when you add distractions you have a recipe for disaster. My blog post is 2 days late this week because of distractions. If I had a more structured manner to write...
by Susan | Apr 11, 2019 | Awareness, EGC, Grief, Horses
Last week I was talking to a woman who lost her husband almost a year-and-a-half ago. He and his brothers went on a yearly golf outing and this year when the brothers went, they found a golf ball with a logo from where he worked in the rough. They said it was him...
by Susan | Apr 3, 2019 | Communications, EGC, Horses, Relationships
Fluently! I also speak Socolofsky. The combination of the two is my native tongue. What’s yours? Several weeks ago, a friend was leading a bible study and she said “I speak Swart”. And then went on to explain that her language is based on how the people...
by Susan | Mar 27, 2019 | Caregiving, Grief, Relationships
John’s senior year of high school has been bittersweet. It’s been full of firsts and lasts. Lasts for John. Firsts for all of us without Mike. Mike’s birthday, eight days after he died, was the first such event. It was so fresh, and John had a swim meet on that day so...
by Susan | Mar 20, 2019 | Awareness, EGC, Gestalt, Horses
On Monday I shared the cartoon at the right on FaceBook. It recalled much of my teaching in the Equine Gestalt Coaching Method® program. Melisa often said that horses are always in the present moment, always mindful and they help us be. Mindfulness means maintaining a...