

Even after watching for two hours as they stabilized Mike before taking us to the airport, I was sure everything would be fine. That’s how optimistic I am. I was talking to my BWEL Study coach last week and she asked me if I was optimistic. Well, funny you should ask...


– the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties; toughness. I suppose I’ve always been resilient. I don’t remember many difficulties that I had to recover from as a child. One of the first memories I have of trauma is seeing my dog hit by a pickup when I was...


The last winter I remember being like this was the year I was pregnant with Roderick, he’s 25 years old now. That winter it started snowing in November and we had snow in places until May. I don’t remember it being quite so cold that winter, but it probably was. That...


It’s amazing how I can find something “important” at least in that moment to do when I am resisting doing something that needs to be done. As this blog post is a day late, I must have had some of those things come up to keep me from writing. I’m not very good at...

Spinning Plates

Sometimes I feel like the circus performer who is spinning the plates. My job is to keep all the plates spinning and not let any fall and break. I must keep an eye on all the plates. Hustling from plate to plate as I see them slowing down on the sticks they are...

On Fitting In, Part 2

I recently found this. I wrote it 9/30/17 just before I was diagnosed with breast cancer. It’s very long so I’m breaking it down into two posts. Read the first part here. When I went of college at Kansas State University because I felt the ag community...

On Fitting In

I recently found this. I wrote it 9/30/17 just before I was diagnosed with breast cancer. It’s very long so I’m breaking it down into two posts. As I started to listen to Brene Brown’s newest book, Braving the Wilderness, this morning I realized my story...


The troll is back! I was talking to my coach on Monday and she doesn’t feel like I’m showing enough self-compassion. You see I’m struggling to get some stuff done that I’ve been putting off for years. So, she challenged me to write about self-compassion this week. Dr...


OK Universe, I’m listening. I heard this song twice today, it must be a sign. It’s a beautiful song and it made me think of Mike. I had something else to write about today, but this seemed to be what needed to be said. Several years ago, I think in the fall of 2010, I...

Keep Going

This week I was devastated to find out that a dear friend had been diagnosed with a brain tumor. Then another friend who I met through horses posted that she was starting new chemotherapy. They both already have great attitudes so I sent them both the picture at the...