The Horses Can Help Find Balance Amid Life’s Overwhelm

Discover Your Hidden Opportunities Opportunities abound. Sometimes we miss seeing them for all the minutia of life. There are certainly times when life gets in the way. Managing Amidst Life’s Challenges When doing the books for the farm, I often had a lot to catch up...

Discover Your Self-Worth at Serenity Ranch

Overcoming the Inner Critic Through Equine Gestalt Coaching Incredible possibilities – that’s where my life is. I have this beautiful ranch that’s full of them. I have training that gives me them. So why does it feel like it’s not enough? Why do I feel like I’m not...

Being With the Horses Brings Serenity for Me

The weather has tended to swing back and forth between wind and rain lately. The good thing about wind during this time is that it dries the mud. Ace and Patty’s pens seem to be the exception to that as they have water standing in them. Recently I’ve had someone tell...

Sometimes I Need to Stop, Breathe, and Set My Boundaries

After a long weekend with two events and a private demonstration, I feel like a train has run over me. I spent a lot of time on my feet and they and my hip are letting me know they are unhappy. This morning when I went to the barn, I found that some sort of critter...

Find Healing and Connection at Sunset

I love sunsets. Here in Kansas, we get some spectacular ones. I have a favorite picture that I took of the sun setting over the ocean in Kona, Hawaii in my bathroom. It’s special to me and I’m proud of it. I took it on the first evening of my first trip to Hawaii. A...

Escape the Overwhelm of This Mad World

When life gets hectic are you equipped with the tools to make the best of it? Or do you fall out of balance? I must admit I still struggle with this. When life hands me a lot to do in a short amount of time I tend to become overwhelmed, and I often forget things....

We All Have Stories to Tell

Some days I struggle with getting out of bed. My preference would be to be a night owl and get up later than my horses would like to be fed. Often if I don’t have anything first thing in the morning I’ll get back in bed for a few minutes. One time when Mike was in the...

Are You Stuck in the Gray Area of Being Busy?

In our culture being busy is looked upon as admirable. I think this is a big mistake. Buzzing around like bees, doing a lot, and never getting anything meaningful done. It’s easy to do. How Busyness Has Changed For Me Since my mom had the stroke, I’ve been busy. I’m...